Green Sea Trutle
The Green Sea Turtle, or Chelonia mydas, is not named for the coloring of its shell, but the color of the fat under the shell. Due to the vegetation in their diet their fat becomes green. Young green sea turtles are carnivorous, becoming omnivores as they age. The morphology of their skulls changes as their diet comes to include more seagrasses and algae. Green sea turtles exist all around the world in tropical and subtropical waters. Females lay their eggs on beaches, in holes dug in the sand. When the hatchlings emerge it’s a mad dash to the water where they can live up to 90 years.
The Green Sea Turtle, or Chelonia mydas, is not named for the coloring of its shell, but the color of the fat under the shell. Due to the vegetation in their diet their fat becomes green. Young green sea turtles are carnivorous, becoming omnivores as they age. The morphology of their skulls changes as their diet comes to include more seagrasses and algae. Green sea turtles exist all around the world in tropical and subtropical waters. Females lay their eggs on beaches, in holes dug in the sand. When the hatchlings emerge it’s a mad dash to the water where they can live up to 90 years.
The Green Sea Turtle, or Chelonia mydas, is not named for the coloring of its shell, but the color of the fat under the shell. Due to the vegetation in their diet their fat becomes green. Young green sea turtles are carnivorous, becoming omnivores as they age. The morphology of their skulls changes as their diet comes to include more seagrasses and algae. Green sea turtles exist all around the world in tropical and subtropical waters. Females lay their eggs on beaches, in holes dug in the sand. When the hatchlings emerge it’s a mad dash to the water where they can live up to 90 years.
LEAD TIMES: All pieces are made to order, and lead times average about 3 weeks. If this is a gift or needed by a certain date, make sure to plan about a month ahead.
DISPLAY STAND: Each piece comes with a custom steel tabletop stand, specifically fit to your piece. Wall brackets are available as a replacement on request.